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Pastor Emeka Okoye

Pastor Emeka Okoye is currently serving as the Resident Pastor of Winners Chapel International Glasgow, United Kingdom and the National Pastor for Scotland.

He is committed passionately to the preaching of the Word of God and teaching the principles of faith in fulfilment of destiny.

In this assignment, he pursues doggedly the delivery of the liberation mandate in the life of everyone he comes in contact with. His message is centered on the liberation mandate as revealed to the Presiding Bishop, Dr. David O. Oyedepo by God in a vision over four decades ago;

“Now, the hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the word of faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task”.

By grace, the mandate is already finding full expression throughout the length and breadth of the world including Glasgow and the rest of Scotland and other European churches. Pastor Emeka Okoye is happily married and blessed with children.

Follow his social media handles here- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 

Welcome to a Winning World!

It is my sincere privilege to welcome you today to this great and glorious family because God has brought you here with a specific purpose in mind. I am convinced that purpose will stand and your story will take a positive change by your contact with this family.

My study of scriptures has revealed a unique truth to me that I would love to share with you: whenever God wants to change the story of an individual, He brings them to a place and in contact with a people. In other words, with God it is location (place) and connection (relationship) that provokes positive alterations.

To validate this truth the bible says “Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore, as beforetime” (2 Samuel 7: 10). That powerful truth validates the fact that God has appointed a place for your change of story, a place where affliction is terminated. I know that Winners Chapel is that place for you!

This is further evidenced in scriptures when Laban spoke to Jacob telling him “…. I pray thee, if I have found favor in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake” (Genesis 27: 30). It is a clear indication that the company to which you belong to determines the packages that accompany you. I am convinced by the word of God, personal experiences and the testimonies of the people, that this is a mountain of transformation where your life will experience positive changes from this day forward.

Therefore on behalf of the entire leadership of this great assembly, I welcome you again, and we look forward to you making this great house your home. I am sure that as you go through this site, you will see a lot of exciting things available within this great family. As you plug in, I see your story changing for the better.

May the blessings that abide in this house flow to you and your family and may the testimonies that abound here be replicated in your life, in Jesus’ precious name. Once again, you are most welcome and we look forward to fellowshipping with you as a member of this family.